Club keeps up with issues in off year

This is an off year for elections, but Independence Conservatives Club still has a mission to do.
‘This is an opportunity for likeminded people to be together and accomplish things in the local community,? said Carol Grubba, secretary.
‘We’re just getting started,? said Susan Sajdak, chair. ‘Last election, as much as we worked, we may not have been able to do much nationally, but we can do something about local elections and issues.?
The mission of the club, which was founded in 2011 and has about 75 members, is to promote conservative values especially in local government through political activism, community education and watchdog activities.
‘Last year, we had a lot of election issues, with the battle for Independence Township supervisor, school bond, school board, state ballet issues,? Sajdak said. ‘It was standing room only.?
Independence Township Supervisor Pat Kittle is scheduled to speak at next month’s meeting.
‘There are so many things going on in Independence Township,? Sajdak said.
‘We’ll have time for dialogue to find out more about his plans and how we can help,? Grubba said.
Upcoming speakers include state representatives, education experts, and other government and community leaders discussing local government and school issues, and officials? voting records.
‘We don’t endorse candidates. Our purpose is to help you make up your own mind,? Grubba said.
The group meets the second Thursday of the month at Red Knapps, 6722 Dixie Highway ? dinner at 6 p.m., speaker at 7 p.m. For more information, email

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