Clarkston rockers help teens in trouble

Clarkston Junior High School students Jake Navarre and Dylan Coutelle started a fundraiser concert as a school requirement.
Now, it’s all about the cause.
‘We don’t care about the grade anymore ? we just want to raise money for Promise Village,? Navarre said.
‘We want to help them,? Coutelle said.
Promise Village in Clarkston shelters seven teenagers who have been abused and are trying to get their lives headed in the right direction, Navarre said.
‘This home is run strictly on charity. We chose this charity over all the others because we are teenagers and we know it’s hard enough to get through this time in our lives having good parents to guide us,? he said. ‘It’s hard to imagine being abused and without family.?
‘It’s a nice place ? a place where you can stay and get things in order,? Coutelle said.
The home is staffed with professional therapists, doctors and caregivers to teach teens how to overcome their past so they have a chance at a good future., Navarre said.
‘We left the home touched deeply about their second chance at life. Now we are driven to help make a difference. This is no longer a grade for social studies, this is our mission,? he said.
They are organizing Rock Fest Fundraiser at Waterford Academy gymnasium, 1-4 p.m., Saturday, May 12.
‘We are going to have several bands playing there for anyone who can make it,? Navarre said. ‘There will be a small admission at the door and we’ll sell snacks and drinks. It’s going to be an incredible experience for us because this time we see where the money is going.?
Navarre and Coutelle, cousins, have been learning and performing music at school, church, and community for about three-and-a-half years. They received their first instruments, drums for Navarre, and a guitar for Coutelle, as Christmas presents.
‘All the kids come to our house to practice,? said Hollie Navarre, Jake’s mother.
‘All are welcome ? it keeps them away from drugs and out of trouble.?
Drugs aren’t tolerated in this rock scene, Jake said.
‘We don’t want anyone to ruin it for the rest of us,? he said. ‘We’re not going to give anyone the chance to ruin it for us.?
‘I want them to live past their 30s,? Hollie said.
The goal for the fundraiser is $10,000.
‘We know that this benefit alone will not bring in this kind of money, so we are going to research and participate in many other ways to help us to reach our goal,’Jake said.
Donations are tax deductible. Include return address for receipt. Checks, payable to Promise Village Home for Children, can be sent to Dylan Coutelle, 5277 Old Cove, Clarkston, MI, 48346.
For more information, e-mail or call 248-674-2765.
For more information about Promise Village, check www.promise

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