Clarkston Council reviews progress

Mayor Sharron Catallo called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
The city’s bills in the amount of $89,585.46 were approved 5-0 (Council members Wylie and Ottman absent).
? Clarkston Caf? owner Curt Catallo reported on the recent purchase of the restaurant. The building inspector, the Independence Township Fire Department and the Oakland County Board of Health will review plans for rennovating the establishment. The caf? will operate with the current liquor license until a transfer finalized and at that time, Police Chief Ernest Combs will perform a background check and the city council must approve the license transfer.
? Mayor Catallo reported that she had surveyed the storm sewers behind the businesses running along the east side of Main Street along with Department of Public Works Supervisor Bob Pursley. The pair decided that property owners should be notified of the deficiency and ordered to clean them or have them cleaned or the city will contract the work for them.
? Chief Combs has contacted Bob DeCorte of the Traffic Improvement Association because of his concern regarding the danger of new driveways along Clarkston Road near M-15 that may be ‘hidden? to drivers? points of view. Combs is seeking advice from DeCorte regarding how to resolve the dilemma.
? The council unanimously voted 4-0 (Catallo abstained from voting) that Combs sign the necessary paperwork to grant an scheduled for September 23.

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