Chamber, schools honor volunteers

Saying ‘thank you? was the theme of the evening for the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce and Clarkston Community Schools first ‘Volunteer Appreciation Night? on April 13.
The evening honored all those who generously give of their time and energy to the community through charities, service organizations and the schools.
The highlight of the evening was guest presenter Tim Cusack.
‘For me, really, I just love it when someone says thank you,? said Cusack in his opening remarks. He described how he personally enjoys coaching soccer, volunteering with Hospice and assisting with mentally impaired adults.
‘I love trying to make a difference,? he stated. ‘That’s why I do it, to make a difference.?
Cusack is an actor, author and award-winning mime who has participated in numerous performances and speaking engagements, and traveled with the children’s theater company United Stage.
He is skilled in improvisational comedy and often lectures nationally on the art of communication, team building and creativity.
For Clarkston’s ‘Volunteer Appreciation Night,? his message was simple:
‘I try to get a ‘serving? in everyday,? he joked. ‘I try to serve someone, somehow everyday.?
He advised the audience to strive for four things in their lives ? control over their decisions, optimism about their lives and those around them, faith in a greater power and significant relationships with those they love.
Finally, he had one last recommendation for everyone present: ‘Have fun while volunteering.?
‘Volunteer Appreciation Night? ended with a reception and informational gathering. Guests were treated to an array of deserts and an opportunity to learn more about volunteering in the Clarkston area.

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