LOCS School Board Pres. Birgit McQuiston receives state MASB Diamond Award

Each year the Michigan Association of School Boards awards local school board members from across the state for their efforts to improve their leadership skills, become more effective school leaders, demonstrating their commitment to student achievement and their own continuous improvement. One of the recipients of these awards was Lake Orion Community Schools Board of […]

LOHS Robotics Team 302 qualifies for Mich. State Championship

LOHS Robotics Team 302 qualifies for Mich. State Championship

Team 302 wins prestigious Chairman’s Award at the Jackson District Competition on Saturday Lake Orion Robotics Team 302 is headed back to the Michigan State FIRST Robotics Championship in April after winning Chairman’s Award at the Jackson, Michigan District Competition on Saturday. “LOHS FIRST Robotics Team 302 had an eventful weekend at the Jackson District […]

Paint Creek Elem. rocks their socks on World Down Syndrome Day

Paint Creek Elem. rocks their socks on World Down Syndrome Day

By Jim Newell Review Editor World Down Syndrome Day, March 21, is a day of fun at Paint Creek Elementary, a day where the students get to wear their most colorful and outlandish socks, express their individuality and compare their funky socks with their friends. But it’s not lost on the staff and students that […]

Bond design teams for series one continue to make progress

By Megan Kelley Review Writer Bond design teams for series one are in full swing. The teams for Webber, Orion Oaks, the Early Childhood Center, technology and furniture met on March 13. Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Heidi Mercer has been working with the design teams and committees on a regular basis and has been […]

LOHS thespians tap into their creepy, kooky multiple personalities for ‘The Addams Family Musical’

LOHS thespians tap into their creepy, kooky multiple personalities for ‘The Addams Family Musical’

The Addams Family Musical Presented by Lake Orion High School’s Thespian Troupe Performances are May 2-5. Showtimes to be announced. Tickets go on sale on April 1 and are available at Lothespians.weebly.com or through links on the high school’s homepage, lakeorionschools.org/high-school-home and district homepage, lakeorionschools.org. By Jim Newell Review Editor They’re creepy and they’re kooky, […]

Studium Drive fifth graders demonstrate virtual reality projects to LOCS Board of Education during March 13 meeting

By Megan Kelley Review Writer Lake Orion’s Board of Education was visited by fifth graders from Stadium Drive Elementary during their March 13 meeting. Stadium Drive Media Specialist Dan Dabrowski and several fifth grade students came to share and demonstrate their recently completed Virtual Reality (VR) projects with the board. The fifth graders were tasked […]

World Championship Bound!

World Championship Bound!

Lake Orion High School Robotics Team 302 won the Miami Valley Regional robotics tournament on March 9. The win puts the Dragons into the FIRST Robotics World Championship in Detroit in April. Photo courtesy of Bonnie Witcpalek, Team 302. By Jim Newell Review Editor It’s Destination: World Championship for Lake Orion High School Robotics Team […]

Vrrroom! Cub Scouts in Pack 512 zoom toward the finish line during annual Pinewood Derby race on Saturday

Vrrroom! Cub Scouts in Pack 512 zoom toward the finish line during annual Pinewood Derby race on Saturday

By Jim Newell Review Editor Cub Scouts in Pack 512 from Carpenter Elementary had their sights set on the checkered flag during the pack’s annual Pinewood Derby race on Saturday at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Cubmaster Diane Youngpeter said there are 46 kids, boys and girls, from kindergarten – 5th grade in Pack 512 this […]

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