Caption This!

1. His mother was frightened by an owl at birth.
2. A psychic told him his colors.
3. He just learned the hand really is quicker than the eye.
4. Does your face hurt — cuz it’s killing me.
5. This guy will do anything for a little sympathy.
I won’t go so far as to make it a New Year’s resolution, but I promise to quit blaming Barack Obama for everything I don’t like.
Furinstance, with my extra exposure to the soon-to-be mandatory curly, mercury light bulbs, I just automatically assumed it was this administration’s order.
Alas, no.
It wasn’t even his party. This bill was introduced by and pushed all the way by Michigan Congressman Fred Upton (R) of St. Joseph.
Then ex-president George Bush signed the damned thing. Why? The bulb is made with mercury in China. There’s a warning label that calls for 10 cleanup processes when one breaks.
We can’t have a mercury thermometer, because if it breaks everything is contaminated with death producing mercury.
And, the requiring legislation passed by a huge majority. We realize the Chicoms want to kill us, but our electeds, too?
What a country?
There was a time not so long ago when the publishers of The Old Farmer’s Almanac sent newspapers their annual edition. When they quit, I quit reading it.
Then, for Christmas I got the 2011 edition. Of course I turned directly to the weather forecasts. (Don’t we all get some kind of inner glee when we find the weather predictors wrong?)
Well, the forecast for the lower Great Lakes, which includes Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester, New York, as well as lower Michigan for December 8-29, 2010 was: sunny, then rain, seasonable, precipitation four inches.
Now, let’s think back. Snow fall in the New York cities. I remember it ranged from six to sixteen feet and it was very cold. Snow plowers didn’t or couldn’t move. They got it right for Michigan, though.
Love it!
The rooster does lots of crowing, but it’s the hen that delivers the goods.

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