Bowlers peg second win, JV team named state champs

On Sunday, the Oxford Varsity girls bowling team got their second win of the season beating Waterford Mott 37-3.
Leading the way for the Ladycats was Liz Laframboise’s new school record of a 242 game. The girls won both baker games and 4 out of 5 matches in game one to seal the victory. Laframboise and Ashlee High each won two games and Anna Tomaka, Sarah Decker and Dayna Rein each scored a point.
The Varsity boys team lost to Walled Lake Northern 26 to 4.
On the JV front, the boys team participated in the eight annual Michigan JV High School Championship Tournament this past weekend, where they ended up in the finals against Adrian.
Game one went to Oxford 144-134, Adrian won game two 171-147. In game three Oxford blew Adrian away 183-156, making them state champions.
JV boys who attended the tournament were Ross Hadden, Sean LeBlanc, Brandon Wynkoop, John Taylor, Matt Baggett, Corey Young and Scott Compau.

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