Bald Mountain pilots volunteer steward program

No one can argue that the Bald Mountain State Recreation Area is a beautiful piece of land.
But many area residents don’t know about the effort that goes into keeping this park beautiful.
The Parks and Recreation Division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is piloting a new program called the Core Volunteer Steward Program, to help make residents aware of efforts to keep the park thriving.
The program is looking for leaders to direct restoration activities at Bald Mountain, among other places.
One such leader, Curt Winter, directs volunteer efforts on the second Saturday of every month, but says that the park needs more than that to flourish.
At his next volunteer day, on March 11, Winter will be focusing on aid restoration efforts at the Graham Lake fen complex.
The goal is to cut back invasive shrubs like buckthorn and autumn olive.
‘They out-compete all of the other vegetation in the area,? Winter said, noting that this can consequently change the area’s unique ecosystem.
Winter said that this is an ongoing problem that is never going to end.
Each season brings a new challenge for volunteers.Garlic mustard will be tackled this spring.
Of course, having more volunteers can only help the park. High school community service hours; or other groups interested in community service, particularly environmental stewardship opportunities; should look no further than Winter’s group.
‘One of my goals is to find other people that are excited about the stewardship of the park,? Winter said.
Winter is focusing on just one of the three natural areas in the park and would like to see the program build.
He said other enthusiasts like himself are needed to make such goals happen.
Winter knows that keeping up the park is a never-ending process, but the beautiful rewards that come from the work make it all worthwhile.
‘It’s been exciting to hear the MDNR come down and say ‘you have one of the best fen’s in the state,?? Winter said.
If you are interested in volunteering, meet at the Bald Mountain headquarters on Greenshield near Kern at 9 a.m. on March 11. Volunteer sessions run until noon.
For more information please visit

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