‘Backbone? of Pack 108 receives Den Leader award

When someone selflessly donates their personal time and energy into an organization, it’s nice to know others reward them for their generosity.
Oxford resident Gail Wells was awarded last week with a Den Leader Award for her hard work in leading the Webelos from Cub Scout Pack 108.
In the four years she’s been a den leader for the pack, she’s been the only one to receive this award.
‘It was a complete surprise,? she said. ‘It was wonderful. I was very excited.?
Wells, who has led the den of four boys, including her nine-year-old son Michael, for the past four years, received the award because of the countless hours she spent last year attending numerous round table meetings, various training classes and for moving her boys up in rank.
She’s also the advancement chair, she chairs the annual fall family camp, helps run meetings and is the school liaison for pack 108.
‘To be honest with you, she’s the backbone of our pack,? said Amy Barrows, Committee Chair for Pack 108. ‘She’s always right on top of things. She just jumps in feet first.?
Barrows said when Wells returns from her sometimes 1? hour round table meetings she always brings creative ideas to benefit the pack and keeps them informed.
She said once Wells? son graduates to Boy Scouts next year that the pack will ‘be so sad.?
‘When she leaves, it’s going to be real hard to fill her shoes,? Barrows said.
After next year, Wells plans to become a Girl Scout leader for her younger daughter, Rachel, 6.
Over the years, Wells has seen her den grow up, from the beginning days in first grade until fourth grade.
She’s proud to be a part of an organization that brings out the best in boys.
‘I think it teaches them responsibility, really good morals, making good choices,? she said. ‘It also gets boys interested in things that they wouldn’t normally see or do.?
Although she’s not too keen on sleeping in tents during annual camping trips, Wells wouldn’t have it any other way.
‘It’s not my favorite thing in the world, but I do it for the kids,? she said.

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