Clarkstonite has big goals for AARP leadership

BY PHIL CUSTODIO Clarkston News Editor Thomas E. Kimble of Clarkston has been a volunteer for decades. Now he’s the lead volunteer in the state for American Association of Retired Persons, AARP. “The purpose of life, to me, is to have a purpose in life,” Kimble said. “My purpose in life is to always be […]

$2.7 million in cuts coming to schools

About $2.7 million in cuts are in the cards for Clarkston Community Schools. The district faces a total shortfall of about $3.983 million in its 2013-2014 budget. Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock said the district will make up the difference through a mix of staff reductions, spending cuts, and more revenue. “We are working very hard […]

Simmons family pays forward life-changing debt

When Karen Marie Simmons of Independence Township passed away Feb. 13, her family suggested mourners offer a donation to the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club in lieu of flowers. ‘It’s what Karen and I have talked about for years ? pay it forward,? said her husband, Ken Simmons. Friends and family filled Wint’s during the […]

School union fees extended

Three days before Michigan’s “Right to Work” law took effect on March 28, Clarkston Board of Education took action. The school board voted 5-2 to approve agency-fee agreements with Clarkston Education Association, Clarkston Office Personnel Association, Clarkston Transportation Association, Clarkston Custodial Association, and Clarkston Paraeducators Association. The employee groups brought the items to the school […]

Land conservancy plans Wild Night fundraiser

With an “open space” millage proposal on November’s ballot, this year’s Wild Night Out fundraiser is especially important for North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy. The annual fundraiser collects about a third of the conservancy’s $94,000 budget. The non-profit conservancy, with about 300 volunteer members, monitors and protects about 1,100 acres in six townships. When incorporated […]

Time for a break

In town and looking for something to do next week? Spring Break Clarkston Style has you covered. “This is a great initiative to get high school kids involved in the community with their parents,” said Tonya Cunningham, Clarkston Coalition for Youth community organizer, who is co-chairing the week-long event with Kelly Hyer. “We have had […]

Dr. Carson in Clarkston

Dr. Ben Carson is planning to visit his hometown of Detroit in a couple weeks ? the trip includes a speaking engagement in Clarkston, April 12. Dr. James O’Neill of Clarkston is looking forward to meeting the world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. ‘Very much so, I’m excited to meet him when he comes to town,? O’Neill said. […]

Club keeps up with issues in off year

This is an off year for elections, but Independence Conservatives Club still has a mission to do. ‘This is an opportunity for likeminded people to be together and accomplish things in the local community,? said Carol Grubba, secretary. ‘We’re just getting started,? said Susan Sajdak, chair. ‘Last election, as much as we worked, we may […]

Fun runners race to fund field trips

Andersonville Elementary runners enjoyed sunshine and bright blue skies at their Fun Run this year, a welcome change. ‘This is the first year in the past three years where the weather is gorgeous,? said Principal Bruce D. Martin. ‘I’m thrilled with the weather.? Proceeds from the Fun Run, organized by Andersonville Elementary PTO, will fund […]

Not too young to learn to serve their neighbors

Children had lots to do at Oakland Christian School’s 2008 Servathon. At the school’s Independence Township location, Clarkston Community Church, students, staff, and parent volunteers collected toys, books, clothes, and soccer balls, cleaned, and packed them for donation. ‘The kids get a kick out of sharing their soccer balls with communities that don’t have them,? […]