Yoga event to take stand against cancer

Lindsay Green, co-owner of Mueva Fitness, 6465 Dixie Highway, invites the community to Stand Up To Cancer, 10 a.m.- 12 p.m., Saturday, June 8, at First Congregational Church, 5449 Clarkston Road. “The church has graciously offered to support us,” Green said. “It’s a beautiful area behind Pine Knob with plenty of parking.” The event will […]

Dr. Bahu specializes in shoulder work

Dr. Matt Bahu knew since boyhood he was going to be a doctor. An ACL injury on Wayne State’s varsity football team helped him pick his specialty. ‘That was my first experience with orthopedic surgery,? said Bahu, sports medicine surgeon with Orthopedic Specialists of Oakland County. Growing up in Livonia, he was inspired to become […]

Judicial race ends in court

A campaign dispute between judicial candidates Dana Fortinberry and Joseph Fabrizio has spilled out of the court of public opinion into circuit court. Fabrizio filed suit in Oakland County Circuit Court, Monday morning, charging Fortinberry and her campaign with defamation. Fortinberry’s campaign advertisements in local newspapers, email, and flyers said Fabrizio trespassed on private property […]

School board holds off on open enrollment vote

Open enrollment for Clarkston Schools is off the table for now ? school board President Cheryl McGinnis cancelled a vote at Monday’s meeting. “The reason I struck it from action items is I received feedback from a majority of board members saying they had a problem supporting it at this time,” said McGinnis, who reclassified […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

Memorial Day hits close to home for Clarkston this year. Memories of local soldier Joseph A. Miracle are still way too fresh. He died in 2007 after being wounded in Afghanistan. Students at Clarkston Junior High School are honoring the memory of fellow Clarkstonite Jenna Beno, who died recently from injuries suffered while serving in […]

New parade route for Memorial Day

When American Legion Post 63 Honor Guard steps off to start this year’s Memorial Day parade, 10 a.m., May 27, it will be from a new location. The parade starts this year at Depot Park, instead of the Community Education building parking lot off Church Street. The move shortens the parade route, doesn’t require closing […]

Library booked for summer

A lot’s going on at Clarkston Independence District Library before Summer Reading starts in June. “This is an exciting time to come in ? a whole new start,” said Lawrence Marble, the new head of Adult Services. “It’s nice come in here, see what is being done, and what we can do.” Reestablished as a […]

The world is workplace for Clarkston couple

Jeff and Olivia Steele met in Clarkston but now work around the world. “Sometimes it’s really magical and exciting, and sometimes it’s really difficult ? we don’t speak the language,” said Olivia, who teaches Grade 1 International Baccalaureate at the American International School of Guangzhou in China. Both teachers, they work with instructors and students […]

Renaissance students speak out for Bikini

For Renaissance High School English Language Arts 9 class, a simple assignment on nuclear history led to a call to action to help people half a world away. “We owe them a lot,” said student Andrew Sabo about the people of Bikini Atoll, still suffering the effects of U.S. nuclear testing from decades ago. “Our […]

Race is on for Clarkston mayor

A late write-in campaign sets up a two-candidate race for Clarkston mayor. Both Stephen D. Arkwright and Les Haight would be new to the mayor’s seat ? incumbent Mayor Sharron Catallo is retiring after 23 years in office. Arkwright, 49, is a 19-year resident of Clarkston. He and his wife of 25 years, Jennifer, have […]