Just jotting

Got ‘The World’s Best Clean Jokes? book for Christmas. Hope you haven’t heard these. ? What do you have if you’ve got 20 rabbits all in a row and they all back up one step? A receding hare line. ? If at first you don’t succeed, stay away from sky diving. – Milton Berle ? […]

I never knew a boy who was teacher’s pet

I don’t mean to brag (Yes, I do!), but I was the champion speller of the eighth grade in Bancroft. The year, 1938. Yes, I’ll admit the competition wasn’t great, since there were only 12 in that grade, including me. What irks me to this day is when it came time to select the Bancroft […]

How I saved Lee Iacocca’s career

It’s not like me to save any tale. Actually, I haven’t totally saved this one, it’s just that I haven’t put it in print. I’ve told it several times. In 1979 we hired Stuart McTeer to sell advertising for our newspaper, The Clarkston News. Stu had a long history of work with Detroit newspapers. In […]

Gov. Granholm has charisma . . .

Maybe it’s an aging thing, but I find myself getting upset more easily and more often lately. I can’t blame the winter, ’cause we haven’t had any. It isn’t envy of my friends who have sought warmer climes, ’cause I’d rather believe they have chosen to abandon me. It could be the ridiculously long political […]

Finding words at the end of words fills voids

Finding words at the end of words fills voids Roger Miller and Roy Clark have made millions of dollars (pennies?) with a couple songs. Miller’s is, ‘The Last Word in Lonesome is Me.? Clark sings, ‘The Last word in Jesus is Us.? If you travelers with restless children (are there any other kind?) are looking […]

Any war prompts recall of all vets? experiences

Japan surrendered to the U.S. August 14, 1945 (August 15 to those of us in the Far East at the time). Japanese forces in China surrendered September 8. September 1, we left the Philippines for Yokohama with a load of Marine occupation forces. By then I’d been in the Navy less than 13 months. I […]

Jumping Jottings

Jumping Jottings Humor, courtesy Porcupine Press? UP Humor Magazine With all the new technology regarding fertility, a 65-year-old woman gave birth to a baby. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, her relatives came to visit. ‘May we see the baby?? one asked. ‘Not yet . . . Soon,? said the 65-year-old […]

The weatherman: love and dislike in same day

The weatherman: love and dislike in same day We’re gonna? have weather, whether or not. We’re gonna? have weather predictors, whether or not. And, it is our right according to the First Amendment, the Book of James and restroom regulars to criticize and condemn said predictors. Besides that, weather’s a conversation starter, air filler and […]

Open heart surgery left off Gov’s tax list, for now

Open heart surgery left off Gov’s tax list, for now A recent Sunday newspaper featured a cartoon of a man burdened down with levels of tax hikes on his back. Standing behind him, erect and with shoulders thrown back, is Governor Jennifer Granholm. The caption reads, ‘Quit whining and show some backbone!? Elsewhere in the […]

Of 5th graders, height, perception and bacon

Are you ready to admit you are not as smart as a fifth grader? If you haven’t admitted it yet, perhaps you have missed the tv show, ‘Are you smarter than a fifth grader?? Thursday nights, primetime. I had it brought home to me in another way by our fifth grade granddaughter, Savannah Speed. Her […]

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