Adding my WOWs to the Detroit Tigers

Nothing has excited, thrilled and animated our State like the Detroit Tigers winning the American League baseball title. Their domination of the news is absolutely wonderful. What war? What political campaign? What layoffs and buy-outs, housing slowdowns, work stoppages, orange barrels and illegal immigrants? They’re gone from news leads. The newspaper headlines wouldn’t be bigger […]

Some stuff is personal, but what the hey

Don’t you just hate it when your morning routine is interrupted? And, I’m not referring to your bath. I arise around 6 a.m., let the dog out, start the coffee brewing, throw on a robe and go get my Detroit News. I come in and pour a cup of coffee with International brand French Vanilla […]

Fatties, talkin? heads & thoughts to ponder

Don’t you hate to read about a study coming out of any university that draws a very obvious conclusion? So obvious one can only wonder why a professor would undertake such a study? First the conclusion of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign study: ‘Fat people use more gasoline.? Isn’t that profound? For decades automobile […]

Ah, November!

The Old Farmer’s Almanac rhymes the weather this way: ‘Bright and still, raindrops fill the lakes, then turn to flakes. ‘Streams are hardly flowing, their pulses slowing: Again it’s snowing. ‘But, just before it freezes up, it eases up.? Ah, November! All Saints? and All Souls? Days, Sadie Hawkins Day were just before the elections, […]

Our Day, Thanksgiving, and other comments

This is being written a week before Thanksgiving, but you likely won’t see it till after. Hopefully all of us remember all the things we have to be thankful for and rejoice. Our day will be begin about 8 a.m. with Luan and I toasting each other with Bloody Marys then cutting dressing ingredients — […]

Vet goes lite on Shayna’s eating routine

Vet goes lite on Shayna’s eating routine No dog we’ve ever owned heard us say ‘kennel? when we referred to a dropping off point when we were leaving town for a while. Such places were called ‘hotel,? ‘motel? or ‘inn? so-as to give them a feeling of class, security, love and respect. All our dropped-off […]

Bring on the glow and snow, it’s Christmas

It’s Christmas time. Joy to the world. Hip, hip Hooray! Let there be light. Not just any light. Christmas lights. Everywhere. This is my time of year. I like the shopping (spending). I like the giving. I like the partying. I like it to be snowing, and I try to smile through the entire season. […]

Jotting through the year-end file

Enjoyed the contrast in Class D football teams in the State playoffs last month. Crystal Falls Forest Park vs New Lothrop. CFFP is over 11 hours drive from Ford Field in Detroit. They spent first night in Mt. Pleasant. I believe they have 95 in high school, with less than 20 suited for the game. […]

Men! Sick?

Men just don’t know what to do when they get sick. All men! Some men? Me! In the first place, men never get sick. Men are men, therefore immune from physical and psychological shortcomings. Thus, there is no reason for us to even try to remember what our mothers did for us when they thought […]

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