Where not to set your beer; a scope and a gift

I’m going to prove there are things to learn you didn’t even think you needed to learn. It was taught to me by a early-20s gal on a very slow night at a restaurant. She had stood at our table long enough to hear some of our conversation, which prompted her to tell an experience. […]

Some historical words on our Independence Day

The American Creed I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people and for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon […]

Taking a few hits and missing some swings

Is the name Cabrera in Argentina like the name Smith in America? In the Tigers vs White Sox game each team had one, and there was one on the leader board at a recent pro golf tournament. * * * Thomas Solwell, an African American columnist with Creators Syndicate, recently wrote my belief about Sen. […]

The weather, etc. via The Old Farmer’s Almanac

For several years The Oxford Leader was on The Old Farmer’s Almanac mailing list. We didn’t ask for it, but we loved receiving it, and reporting its weather predictions, among other things. All those years they claimed 80 percent accuracy in their weather predictions. However, 2011 got ’em. They refer to last year as ‘the […]

The elected take taxes over spending cuts

This year, 2005, pay particularly close attention to your elected officials? taxing actions. I mean on all levels: village, city, township, county, state and national. Many are saying they’ve cut spending to the bone, that services are going to have to be cut, more layoffs are imminent, tsunami is hitting Michigan followed by the end […]

The weather, etc. via The Old Farmer’s Almanac

For several years The Oxford Leader was on The Old Farmer’s Almanac mailing list. We didn’t ask for it, but we loved receiving it, and reporting its weather predictions, among other things. All those years they claimed 80 percent accuracy in their weather predictions. However, 2011 got ’em. They refer to last year as ‘the […]

Taking a few hits and missing some swings

Is the name Cabrera in Argentina like the name Smith in America? In the Tigers vs White Sox game each team had one, and there was one on the leader board at a recent pro golf tournament. * * * * Thomas Solwell, an African American columnist with Creators Syndicate, recently wrote my belief about […]

Financial reporting by the two sexes

It was a slow news night, and I decided to watch the evening news on something besides Fox. I switched to ABC and David Muir. Financial news has been rather depressing, but I waited for some hope for change. Muir’s first interview was with a gal who appeared to have been designer dressed to emphasize […]

A little humor to start another new year

A woman went to the doctor’s office where she was seen by one of the younger doctors. After about four minutes in the examination room, she burst out, screaming as she ran down the hall. An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was and she told him her story. After listening he […]

We wonder; why can’t this happen here?

Maricopa County, Arizona is spending approximately $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe Arpaio offered to take the department over and the county supervisors said okay. The animal shelters are now staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care […]

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