Time for an airing, but first an important note

It just isn’t right. It’s un-American! It’s lying, deceiving and outrageous! What I’m talking about is television schedules for sporting events. Especially the big four – football, basketball, hockey and baseball. The printed schedule will list a starting time as, say 1:00. But, that’s nowhere near the start of the game time. That’s when the […]

Golfing with sister Barbara an eye opener

My sister, Barbara, who plays golf twice a week year around, suggests others use the following list of rules of golf which she has adopted for her play. A ball hooked or sliced into the rough shall be lifted and placed in the fairway at a point equal to the distance it carried in to […]

On a beautiful Saturday morning . . .

For me, Saturday mornings have often been the time to turn on a PBS station and watch an Animal Kingdom show. This past Saturday, fawns and geese were featured. That was perfect for me as I stayed inside and watched fawns wander across the creek to my lot with their mamma, followed by a half […]

Coupon clipping is a feminist thing; and, I’s

At the beginning of every year for as far back as I can remember (2009), the news is dominated by telling us ways to save money. One major emphasis is on coupon clipping. Headlines yell, ‘Over $25,500 in coupon savings in this issue.? That in mind, I am a saver, I took the insert coupons […]

Time for an airing, but first an important note

It just isn’t right. It’s un-American! It’s lying, deceiving and outrageous! What I’m talking about is television schedules for sporting events. Especially the big four – football, basketball, hockey and baseball. The printed schedule will list a starting time as, say 1:00. But, that’s nowhere near the start of the game time. That’s when the […]

On a recent Tiger

I’ve been a Detroit Tigers fan a long time. It was long ago when I wrote to team owner Walter Briggs, Sr. and asked if I could try out for a pitcher’s post. I was probably 15-years-old. I got the kindest, warming thank you from the Tiger organization. The thought came back to me Saturday […]

Medicare Part G-Nursing Home plan

Say you and I are older citizens and can no longer take care of ourselves then the government says, ‘There is no Nursing Home care available for you.? What do we do? We opt for Medicare Part G. The plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun (Part G) and one bullet. You are allowed […]

This miscellanea brought to you by Mr. Cellanea

This miscellanea brought to you by Mr. Cellanea When you read a headline like that you know you’re in for some ‘profound? statements, some outstanding prose and some stuff from the manure spreader owner. You can expect to read a 2010 Jottings that’s completely unrehearsed, unrepeatable, unnecessary and certainly not serious. Keep that in mind […]

Time to laugh!

Spread the laughter, share the cheer, Let’s be happy while we’re still here! * * * Stuff you didn’t know you didn’t know. Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled, ‘Gentlemen only? Ladies Forbidden? and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. * * * The first […]

Catching up by wading in

Gosh, it’s been so long since we talked. How you been? How’s the family? Seen any good movies? For me, it’s been a time for accumulation. I’ve been taking notes on everything from whatever happened to Condoleezza Rice, to aging, vegetables, dog food, advertising slogans, to happiness according to current son-in-law Bob. Please note the […]

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