Doggone dog not always mans best friend

Seeing deer wander across my lot usually makes me smile. They wander often, not necessarily to get to the other side, but I think sometimes they want to see if they can entice ma’dog Shayna to cross her electric fence limits. Six times they succeeded because I forget the batteries on her warning (shocking) system […]

Jotter Jim has advice for you: GO HOME!

Sometimes sound advice is timeless advice. In otherwords, good advice. I recently found (actually refound) an old, yellowed piece of paper. On the paper was hand-typed a reprint of an opinion piece from long ago. I want to say it was hand-typed in the 1960s, but I ain’t sure. The typist dated the editorial as […]

My daddy died at 93 — 94 if he’d sanitized

My daddy died at 93: 94 if he’d sanitized A big percent of Americans can be talked, or sold, into anything. Like hand sanitizers, but only if they are used correctly, according to an article I read Sunday. Of course, the only reason I read it was to confirm my belief that I should have […]

Happy New Year From The Grandkids

When we first started this Jim’s Jottings holiday tradition, the two grandchildren Dan and Karen Offer (inset picture) were small enough to fit on my knees. It was 1988. Dan was 3-years-old and Karen was four-months-old. In that first picture, Karen had no hair, I had more and I still wore a suit and tie […]

A true story and a questionable one

I like to start a Jottings with pointing out, as they do on the tube, ‘This is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.? This has to be true, our daughter told it to me. These two lady friends went shopping a Kroger store. One is a diabetic and […]

From plowing snow to bashing government

From the Jim’s Jotting Archives. This column was first published on Dec. 10, 2008 So far this fall I’ve got on my little John Deere tractor, snow blade in place, and pushed the snow aside twice. It wasn’t so long ago I’d complain to myself, bemoaning the task at hand . . . that of […]

Getting so I like reruns more than current shows

I started watching ‘NCIS? soon after it started airing in 2003. What drew me to the program was the name of the leading man, Mark Harmon. He was born in 1951 to Tom Harmon and actress Elsie Knox. I first started reading about Tom Harmon when he was an All-American football player for University of […]

Big Jim has got a hankerin? for some chicken feet

Guess what y totally favorite food is . . . Chicken’s feet. Yes, I said chicken’s feet! Chicken was our family’s favorite. My dad raised them, he nested them, and he hatched them in his incubator. At this time we lived on a farm, fenced in our chickens, scalded them to a plucking temperature, and […]

My two sentries: an owl in back, Shayna in front

As winter started closing in last fall, I decided some 40-year-old pines in the front yard should be eliminated. They’d served as a great screen from traffic noise, etc., but some thinning was due. I asked the cutter to leave at least one 4-ft. stump in case I wanted a monument some day. Before the […]

Hazel and I were chivaree’d

After Hazel and my New Orleans honeymoon, we settled into a little home in Lennon, her home town. I don’t recall the date, but it would have been a Saturday night in November 1949. We had just gotten to sleep when Hazel’s friends decided to drop in. Actually they didn’t just drop in. They sort […]

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