Many thought Henry Ford crazy as a loon

In a September edition of Jottings, I wrote about finding articles about Henry Ford that first appeared in the Detroit Free Press in 1938. Iffy The Dopester (Free Press editor Malcolm Bingay) headed the six-part series, Who does Henry Ford Think He Is? I may cover all six parts in time, but I don’t want […]

No long thoughts

At this writing Hillary Rodham Clinton’s book is five days from being released. And, the only thing being quoted, and apparently the only thing people are interested in, is how she handled husband Bill’s tryst with Monica. She cried, she yelled, concluded she loved him and ran for public office in another state. Did you […]

Kid talk and other non-important stuff

Every so often I ask daughter Susan for a Trevor fix. He and his twin sister, Haley, 3 and a half, keep their parents alert and sometimes entertained. It was 4 a.m. when Susan heard Trevor call for her. She went in and asked, ‘What is it, Trevor?? He said, ‘I love you, Mommy!? ‘That’s […]

Hang on! There’s bound to be something relative

Hang on! There’s bound to be something relative I’m going to start thinking positive, but I know it won’t work. ? I know it can’t be just me, but when I see a headline on an editorial page that says something like ‘Michigan in need of hardy dose of reality? I first check the ending. […]

The 56 Declaration signers gave lives for us

Just before the Fourth of July, friend Mickey gave me a note meant for that day. I put it aside ‘until I had more time.? You know how that works. Re-reading it recently I concluded it’s apropos for every day, not just Independence Day. It has two lead-ins: 1. What kind of men were they? […]

Notes that may not help you plan open house

A month ago I wrote of daughter Luan asking to have a graduation Open House at my house. I eagerly agreed, then thoughts flooded my head on what had to be done to make this place presentable. The lawn needed bare spots reseeded. The flower beds needed immediate plantings and plenty of watering. Our swimming […]

Ad breaks on tv lengthen breaks from tv

For all my television viewing life, over half a century, I’ve known, and believed advertising has had restricted time slots. I had no proof, no solid information, but it is what I believed. So, being a computer illiterate, I asked Don Rush to confirm my beliefs. On the internet, he found that in the 1960s, […]

Taking you back to bring you ahead

Please bare with me as I go back to those thrilling days of yesteryear to set up this modern day Jottings. Okay, here we go . . . The Detroit Tigers won the American League pennant in 1935. And, in the 1930s The Detroit Free Press had a faceless columnist, Iffy The Dopester. Iffy’s booklet […]

The last you’ll read of THE Open House

When daughter Luan and husband Bob Offer started planning the Open House for their son Dan’s graduation, the goal was to get as many cousins together as possible. Other than funerals and weddings they may never see each other, and never can they all make those occasions. Luan, being a self-designated gynecologist, I mean genealogist, […]

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