My nose for news got an unwelcome scent

Monday, March 12, I turned on Fox Vews at 4 p.m. The tv screen was filled with a very strong fire. The news reader was talking excitedly about this blast. He said a gas or oil pipeline (he wasn’t sure which) had burst in Texas. For the next 15 minutes this event went from being […]

My how our tastes change in a lifetime

Funny how our hated foods of youth become our favorites later on. Not, ‘ha-ha? funny, just peculiarly. When I was a lad, carrying my lunch to school 8 miles away, uphill both ways, mother frequently made up bean sandwiches. She’d mash navy beans left over from dinners and spread it between two slices of homemade […]

Mostly about golf, some thoughts on life

Harvey Penick is probably the most well known golf instructor in the history of the U.S. game. But in reading either of his books, Red or Green, he gives advice that applies very well in classrooms or home. Like: ‘It’s not what the teacher says, but what the student hears that matters.? And: ‘All people […]

In a weak moment I read something a PhD wrote

In a weak moment I read something a PhD wrote Everyone knows a person’s interests change many times throughout life. We go so quickly from Kermit the frog to ‘our? body to having kids to career to graduations, weddings, etc. Right now, my reading interests are health (depression/recession), golf course negotiations (I need more shots), […]

Talking urinals aimed only at men – for now

The extent to which our governments will go to save our lives reached a goal never envisioned by the taxpaying public. While many people haven’t accepted being made to buckle up, and several fight forced-helmet wearing, and opposition is high on roll-over bars on garden tractors, few of us have been exposed to the advising […]

Notes from my noggin

My reader told me recently she likes Jottings with humor. However, I’ve learned that what is humor to some is dumb stuff to others. But I’ll keep trying. Rodney Dangerfield – ‘When I was a kid I got no respect. I told my mother, ‘I’m going to run away.? She said, ‘On your mark!?? You […]

Something about May causes me to recall . . .

Maybe it’s Mother’s Day. Maybe it’s graduation time. Maybe it’s Memorial Day. Whatever, something about this month makes me have some more serious thoughts. I’m reminded of a quotation and poem I’ve put in Jottings columns in years past. First the quotation: Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it, […]

Memorial Day; Oh, how we need to remember

I keep seeing a picture in my collection, of a man standing at his wheelchair as uniformed flagbearers pass in a parade. The caption reads, ‘The only one standing is a man at his wheelchair.? The accompanying article reads: It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is […]

Illegal: Not according to, or authorized, by law

And: ‘Not sanctioned by official rules.? There! The word ‘illegal? isn’t too hard to understand, is it? I am only a small voice in community newspapering, but I believe I represent the majority of legal Americans. I don’t believe the majority of major daily newspapers and airway time fillers have such representation. I believe in […]

Maybe my youthful neighbor will slow aging

Many years ago a friend told me his retiring father chose to live out his life in an average Florida neighborhood as opposed to a retirement community. The father said he wanted to be among, or at least be able to see and hear, young people again, as opposed to, well, you know. For a […]

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