Dealing with grief

Children are supposed to outlive their parents. It’s expected and often viewed as inevitable. That is part of what makes losing a child explainable by only those who have suffered through the experience. Joe and Mary Tombrella of Independence Township know how losing a child feels. Their only son Joseph passed away in July of […]

Clarkston to pay back Consumer’s

With township and city budgets struggling around the state, the Clarkston City Council received bad news at the Aug. 22 meeting. The City has to pay $8,911.56 to Consumer’s Energy for reimbursed property taxes the State Tax Commission recently ruled were not accurate. According to City Manager Art Pappas, the State Tax Commission ruled the […]

Clarkston says, ‘Good Morning America!’

Members of the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce, staff from the Union and other residents were filmed in a spot for ‘Good Morning America? on Sept. 15. A news crew from ABC 12 WJRT-TV Flint/Saginaw filmed the 10 second spot where residents, led by Jason Ryan from the Chamber Board of Directors, said hello to […]

Taste of Clarkston blossoms Sept. 25

From its days as the Taste of Independence, the Taste of Clarkston’s proliferation into a highlight of the fall season continues into an eighth year. This year’s event features 39 participating restaurants and a wide array of entertainment expected to draw people in the thousands. ‘Last year we had an estimated 10,000 people and would […]

In case of emergency

Americans have rallied to support those lives devastated by Katrina. One of the unfortunate realities of a tragedy of such magnitude is that even with all the goodwill, there will be great need well after Katrina has faded from the frontpage. Stan Garwood of Independence Township has seen the distraught faces of those touched by […]

New detective hitting stride at Indepenence Township

James Taylor’s ‘Fire and Rain? speaks of seeing the good and bad of life. New Independence Township Detective Tim Hein, who worked playing soft rock like that sung by Taylor, can truly speak to the contrast. As both a detective and a devoted family man, Hein sometimes sees the darker side of human nature at […]

For the good of the student

Working in schools can be controversial. Parents send their children to school expecting a safe environment filled with professionals who not only teach, but identify any problems or ailments their children might have. Dr. Richard Brozovich has worked as a school psychologist for Oakland Schools, a regional service agency, for most of his career since […]

Cookies with style: Lisa’s Confection Connection arrives

The challenge posed by special birthday requests from those eccentric uncles and imaginative young children just became a little easier in Clarkston. Lisa’s Confection Connection, which opened last April, offers custom-made cookie bouquets and cakes to personalize a holiday for nearly any request. ‘The bouquets are a good alternative to flowers because they can be […]

A year of caring?

In the movie ‘Calendar Girls,? women decide to produce and sell a calendar of themselves nude to raise money for leukemia research. Inspired by that movie, which was based on a true story, a group of area women are attempting the same tactic to help pay for a liver transplant needed by their friend and […]

FAIR president visits Clarkston

In the country often referred to as a ‘nation of immigrants,? the issue of immigration has long been a controversial one. With the September 11 terrorist attacks, more citizens are taking notice. Dan Stein, the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, visited the Deer Lake Athletic Club Sept. 22. At a meeting hosted […]

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