After roughly 1,000 installments into the hallowed halls of Don’trushmedom, 21 years worth of opinions and stories, I think it is time to hang up my humble scribe’s pen. At least for a while or until the spirit moves me again. To be sure, I am still working for this newspaper. Oh, I may contribute […]
‘Where’s your favorite guy?? Sean, 4, asked me, as he, his older brother Shamus and I watched the horse-drawn funeral hearse on the television screen. ‘He’s under that American flag,? I answered. ‘In a coffin.? ‘Your favorite guy is dead,? Sean stated flatly. ‘Yes,? I agreed. ‘That man’s name is Ronald Reagan. He’s one of […]
This past weekend the good folks in charge of the TV-Land cable network put together an Addams Family marathon. Back to back to back to back to — you get the picture — back episodes of the early to mid 1960s sitcom. One evening before the marathon Jen asked me, ‘Why do some people like […]
Now it is a waiting game. A time to count time — by the days and even hours. But, counting time is something Larry Drum and his family are good at. They’ve had plenty of time waiting, counting. Nearly 17 years, to be exact. Seventeen years is how long Larry Drum, 70, former Eagle Scout […]
As everybody and their Aunt Matilda have pointed out (and rightly so), Monday was a day to honor the American soldier and those who died in service of our country. Noble, yes . . . but not the point of this column, this week. Nope, today I write that Memorial Day is also the historical […]
Does anybody remember comedian Bill Murray’s lounge lizard routine from those exciting days of yesteryear, when ‘Saturday Night Live? was relatively new? I only ask this, because son Sean Rush, is following in Bill’s footsteps, if only because he walks around the house singing (over and over), ‘Star Wars, nothing but Star Wars . . […]
Rain, rain. Everywhere rain. Rain on the grass. Rain on the roads. Rain in the basement . . . ouch! We got rain. We got wind. Then after two days of being drenched and blown around, we lost power. And, while we were not exactly living a PBS Colonial House existence, things were tough at […]
When George (Andy) Anderson hit the Independence Township scene in October, 1973, the Clarkston News described him as a ‘ball of fire,? resembling ‘an easygoing Scandinavian.? Mr. Anderson died after his lengthy battle with Parkinson’s disease last Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007, at the Genesys Hospice in Goodrich. He was 64-years-old. Anderson was 30-years-old when the […]
(This column is from the Don’t Rush Me Archives. It was published, first, in Nov. 2006.) It’s over! Thank whomever you will, but thank ’em goodly for the past election cycle passing. How crappy can politicians be to one another? And, how idle-minded are we to listen to their crappiness? I can only venture a […]
Guess who was the first person I ever heard cuss on TV? John Wayne. Yep, it’s true. Folks today may not remember their ‘first? TV swear word because everybody swears on television these days. It’s commonplace. Old news. Not memorable. But, back a few years it just wasn’t so. So, late one night in the […]