Once again, I love my job. One of the cool things about being Johnny-On-The-Spot, Ace-Reporter, and Award-Winning-Columnist of Don’t Rush Me fame, Don Rush, is community contact. Readers write! They write me, they write opinions, articles and books. And sometimes (if I am lucky) they write me about the books they write or causes they […]
Last week I got some great news. News that had me whistling happy tunes, snapping my fingers and tapping my toes. I had a stye in my eye — left to be exact. That’s it. That is my happy news. I went to the urgent care center in Oxford, sat down on the table-bed thing […]
The bad smell was a dead giveaway that something was wrong. On Tuesday morning, Michigan Department of Transportation survey crews noticed a foul smell. The odor led them to a grisly discovery — the decomposing remains of two human beings. According to Oakland County Sheriff’s reports, the crew found the bodies on I-75, about a […]
I hate getting sick and staying out. Blach! But it happens to the best of us. So, here is something from the hallowed halls of Don’tRushMeDom. Hope to see you next week. * * * I save up reader e-mail and once in a while let you, the reader, write my column for me. No […]
Let me start out by saying, I feel its pain. What do I have feelings for? It’s something rather large, warm, fuzzy and cuddly (just like me). It is a bear — a bear that was found passed out in a campsite after a night of binge drinking. Seems to me, I vaguely remember a […]
Blessed with only a caveman’s grasp on any situation, I was once again amazed by the power of the community press. The other week I opined on the local economy. In a nutshell, I wrote: ‘Rugged individualism. Entrepreneurial spirit of thems in Michigan 100 years ago put us on the world’s map. Have we too […]
Blessed with only a caveman’s grasp on any situation, I was once again amazed by the power of the community press. The other week I opined on the local economy. In a nutshell, I wrote: ‘Rugged individualism. Entrepreneurial spirit of thems in Michigan 100 years ago put us on the world’s map. Have we too […]
I found it interesting to listen in on some of the discourse between United States Supreme Court Justices and solicitors for the government and the 20-odd states against what is now a ‘good? term, Obamacare. While the justices already know the outcome of the court’s decision — partially or totally, Constitutional or not — we […]
I keep being told by all the smart people that young people don’t read newspapers anymore. I guess if it ain’t electronic and entertainment driven it ain’t worth the paper it’s printed on — and since I always believe what I am told by the smart people, I guess it’s okay for me to be […]