Author writes to keep promise to his wife

Dennis Marshall of Independence Township has always wanted to be an author.
‘My wife told me when we first got married that I should be a writer,? Marshall said. ‘She said ‘you have the knack for it.??
When his wife, Mary, passed away in 2004, he decided to do it.
‘It commemorates her memory,? Marshall said. ‘She believed in me.?
It took him a couple years of research and writing, and another to find a publisher, but he is now a published author of the mystery-adventure ‘Karonteon.?
The novel tells the story of Skip Mitchell, television broadcaster drawn into the fight against a mafia plot to use supernatural powers of an ancient Mesa Verde Indian headdress for evil.
‘I’m fascinated with the Indians at Mesa Verde,? said Marshall, who lived for three years in Colorado, close to where the ancient cliff dwellings are preserved.
Starting on familiar territory ? Skip Mitchell is based on the author’s life experiences ? the story quickly puts the character in extraordinary circumstances, winding through Detroit and Colorado as Mitchell tries to save his ex-wife, stop terrorist attacks, and recover the Indian artifact.
The book is available online at, Borders, and Amazon websites.
‘I hope it’s the beginning of a bunch,? he said.
He’s working on a followup, featuring Skip Mitchell unraveling a murder-mystery at Tiger Stadium. He’s researching Clarkston history for a future novel, he said.
‘My goal is to make enough money so I won’t have to work a second job,? he said. ‘It’s fun, exciting. I’d like to do this for the rest of my life.?
He has a journalism degree from Wayne State University, and worked in broadcasting, newspapers, and public relations for about 18 years.
He and his family moved to the Clarkston area in 1995. His mother, brother, children and grandchildren also live in the area.
‘I’ve had great support from my family,? Marshall said.
He enjoys mysteries and political action thrillers by authors such as Clive Cussler, Elliot Roosevelt, Margaret Truman, and James Mitchner.
For more information, e-mail Marshall at The

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