Activists receive honors

About 100 friends, family, and well-wishers gathered Friday to honor community activists John Thomas and Kelly Hyer.
Thomas was presented with the 2006 Michigan Parks and Recreation Margaret White Senior of the Year Award for Leadership, and Hyer received the 2006 New Professional Award from Michigan Parks and Rec.
‘John is a renaissance man,? said Linda Walter, president of Michigan Recreation and Park Association and chair of the Awards Committee, at the Jan. 19 Independence Township Senior Center luncheon.
‘He’s supportive and involved in every part of the program ? he’s so wonderful in so many ways.?
Hyer, recreation supervisor in the Independence Township Parks and Recreation Department, has done an exemplary job at work and as a volunteer, Walter said.
‘It’s quite an honor for me to honor her at such a young age with a professional award,? said Walter, who has known Hyer since she was a college student learning about parks programs.
Hyer could not attend Friday’s presentation, but will be honored at the state parks and recreation conference next month in Grand Rapids.
Thomas was presented the award in Lansing on Jan. 10, and received a three-day stay at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in October.
‘When they told me about this, I said there was no way in the world I could win a state award,? he said at the Jan. 19 luncheon. ‘I want to thank all of you.?
According to his nomination by Mike Turk, township Parks and Rec. Department director, Thomas has served as a volunteer and part-time staff member for the township Senior Center for more than 25 years.
Soon after he retired from General Motors in 1981, he volunteered to be the first mini-bus driver for the center. Since then, he has worked for and supported every program and service the center provides.
As a member of the Senior Advisory Committee and Citizens for Seniors, he was been a strong advocate for a new senior center.
‘In 2002, he never missed a meeting (of the Township Board),? Walter said. ‘He was a tireless advocate for the millage campaign.?
Thomas is also a veteran of World War II, and would talk to school children about patriotism and citizenship, said Margaret Bartos, senior center director.
‘I’m very honored and proud to know (Thomas),? Bartos said.
The senior center Carriage House, where the luncheon was held, was decorated in red, white, and blue in his honor, she said.

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