A brief chronological look at Detroit

Before Detroit was Detroit, it was what the Anishinabeg tribes called, Bending River. Prior to the 1600s there were no native settlements along this stretch of river. Instead it was a meeting ground — a place where the Council of Indian Chiefs met to settle tribal difficulties.
1701: Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac established Fort Pontchartrain du D’troit.
1712: Fox Indians attacked the Fort.
1806: Detroit was destroyed by fire.
2013: The embers from that fire were never totally distinguished, which explains to me why so many fires in Detroit cannot be traced to a cause.
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I’m writing this Tuesday, October 1.
All the people we elected to represent us in Washington, D.C., are not. In the Senate, House of Representatives and White House those people are not representing us as they promised they would.
Idle promises by names on our ballots!
Promises made, promises unkept.
So who is to blame? We are for ‘x’ing a ballot of promise breakers and liars and just totally unworthy people.
It’s the entire House, Senate and the man in the White House who are not representing us. There is no reason for me to name a political party as it is all of them.
The one man who promoted this situation bragged, ‘I will not compromise!?
He has made Obamacare his signature achievement as President.
To the rest of us he projects, ‘I’m Obama. King, Christ and Caesar. Get used to it!?
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Of course for many of us, there are other, more important things than shutting down this nation’s capitol.
Like . . .
. . . Making nuclear devices in Iran, Iraq, and Somalia is like a yawn compared to the Detroit Lions, the Red Wings and the coming deer season.
. . . What’s the weather going to be like? Do I have enough ammo. Do I have enough freezer space?
. . . Is General Motors going to build enough pickup trucks to meet the demand and hold Toyoto back?
. . . And the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are coming. Can we afford all the gifts we want to give besides decorating costs?
We’ve certainly got enough to fill our minds and spare time with, without getting worked up over the vacant minds and bodies in D.C.
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* Birds of a feather flock together . . . then poop on your car.
* The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble.
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Remember: Obama got his church learning from Chicago-based preacher Jeremiah Wright who said from his pulpit, before Obama became King, Christ, etc, ‘God bless America, NO! God damn America!?
Shortly after which, according to a leak, the preacher was paid $150,000 to shut up, and the teleprompter stayed blank.

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