DDA board rejects village request for public docks
By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
The Downtown Development Authority Board reviewed two agenda items regarding the purchase of docks and equipment at their meeting on May 11.
The first was a request from both the Orion Township Fire Department and the Lake Orion Police Department for the DDA to pay for a new dock in Green’s Park for their service boats. The fire department and LOPD met with DDA Executive Director Molly LaLone and village staff in March during DDA budget discussions to make the request.
“There is a dock out there for the police department, but it was going into disrepair. So, they wanted to replace both the dock and they wanted to put boat hoists on there and have canopies so they can quickly get in and out of the boat and out into the water to help people if they need help,” said LaLone.
The dock is expected to be placed on the southern side of Green’s Park.
The question was floated as to why the DDA would pay for the dock despite a majority of the lake not being a part of the DDA district.
“This year, one of our priorities is pedestrian safety. And I realize you’re not a pedestrian if you’re on the water, but you’re someone that we care about and we’re helping our first-responders take care of everybody out on the lake,” LaLone said.
The board approved the purchase of a boat dock and equipment not to exceed $24,860 from Walk on Water.
Additionally, the DDA board reviewed a request from the village council to purchase three docks at a cost of $9,555.
Over the past several months, residents and lake-goers have made numerous complaints to the village after the village ran out of public dock permits for Green’s Park.
During their May 9 meeting, the council voted 6-1 in favor of approving a contract with Walk on Water for three docks at $9,555 to be installed at Green’s Park; for the Administration to obtain estimates for infrastructure to access the docks including fencing to separate Green’s Park from the docks and stairs; to authorize the issuance of 150 public dock permits at $50 each after the docks and infrastructure are installed; and to present the total cost estimate to the DDA with the request that the DDA consider paying for the project.
“I’m not recommending approving this expense for either this fiscal year or next fiscal year. Primarily because we’ve already done our budgeting sessions. I think this should come to us during budgeting and be presented and requested in that manner, not at the last minute,” said LaLone.
Several DDA board members stated that should the DDA pay for the docks, they should also get the revenue from the permits. According to village documents, the revenue from the first round of permits was $7,500. It is expected that the second round of 150 permits will double that number, making the total revenue off of public dock permits this year $15,000, which is $5,000 more than the council’s approved purchase.
“I think it’s a great program, it’s successful, it’s a no-brainer. They’re going to make money both ways,” said board Vice-President Sam Caruso.
The board voted 6-0 to deny the purchase.
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