Harvesting Your Soul

When living life as a spiritual walk you spend time in meditation. A special quiet time you leave open in your day to commune with God. When you prepare yourself for that time in meditation you bring nothing with you except a thought process of something that is weighing on your mind. There is no agenda. Bring no thoughts of how to fix; it’s simply a time to breathe and clear your mind of constant thoughts that are going nowhere. Instead, you plan on the time you will devote to meditation and sitting quietly, you listen for God’s still small voice.

On one particular day, I began my meditation with the thought of a holistic event I wanted to have at my church. The problem I had was I planned the event months in advance, but lives change, things happen. Many of my usual vendors were going to be out of town. Noting this as being a highly unusual response, I knew there was a different plan but that I was not aware of it yet.

If you have been in a similar situation, you know part of you wants to freak out and cancel whatever it is and go on with your life.

Internally, I couldn’t; I felt God was sort of moving the chess pieces so that I would have an opportunity to see something different. But what?

I placed the idea in my conscious mind and sat in meditation. Just being still, breathing in God’s goodness and listening for a positive, creative expression.

Soon, I heard, “Harvesting Your Soul.”

That’s it, there was no sea parting, no lightning bolt, no burning bush, but it was my new and “different” event. The new direction came in right after emailing vendors about the change. Those created how the event would go. No work from me and that is how I recognize God’s hand in the mix. It’s easy and no work!

The vendors always arrive early to prepare their spot and set the intention for the day. A geometric grid energetically held the space for positive energy, love and kindness to be present. We were then led through a series of small movements called Chi-Do. These were breathing exercises to clear our energy flow and align us with the earth below us and God, our Source energy above us. When we had opened our thought energy, we were led on a guided medicine wheel meditation. During the meditation, we were told how the directions of north, south, east and west play a vibration of actions in our life. That was new to me and very interesting.

We were also taught how to take a more proactive responsibility for our own lives by learning and practicing muscle testing. Spiritual living is a little high on using our personal energy reserves because you are tapping into your innate energy often. We heard how some good quality nutritional vitamins and minerals can make a difference, plus adding hydration and eating well. We learned that not only is good, quality food important, but eating healthy proportions is a must. We snacked on a few of those good, healthy foods too!

If you have ever noticed how listening to the woes of someone else or the world seems to make you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, then most likely you are an empath. I believe most of us are, or can be, at times. I also believe it is important to become aware of it and know how best to understand it. We shared thoughts in our community setting about empaths and heard positive ways to be aware of it, use it to our advantage and not to be fearful of it. We closed out our Harvesting Your Soul gathering with therapeutic sound and made more connections with the vendors.

The day was as it was designed to be from my first meditation. Enjoyable, no work, lots of fun and, by popular request, will now be a yearly event. In this story, I hope you see that we, as men and women of the human race, sometimes think we are at the top of the chain. We have all the answers and we give all the directions. We can get lost in the belief that we are right, or that we can make it right or we can fix everything. Those thoughts are designed for failure, loss and havoc!

When things fall apart, when we fail, it is because we made the mistake of thinking: WE are in control. It’s simply not true and untruth is where you will find trouble. You will know it when you feel you have to defend yourself or someone else. When you are seeing or hearing something different than what you expected and you have to work to find the truth or make it happen, it’s not valid. God has another plan and it’s time to go into meditation and find the plan. Remember God’s still small voice is a loving and positive voice. When you are open and acting with your innate wisdom, your life creates itself like my event, with little to no work. If it feels like work, if it’s not falling into place, go back to meditation. Remember to take calming breaths as you breathe in the breath of God and create!

Many blessings,

Linda La Croix

Unity Director at Unity of Lake Orion

See her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, or website, aspiritualwalk.com, for more uplifting posts.


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