Helping others with her hair

Emily Erwin, daughter of Roni and Edward Erwin of Independence Township, grew her hair out to 10 inches to donate to Children With Hair Loss, based in Michigan.
It took two years, she said.
“I saw some people without hair in school one day and asked them about it ? they said they donated it,” Emily said. “That night I thought about it and asked my mom and dad if I could do that.”
“I thought it was a great idea,” Roni said. “I think Emily has good empathy for others ? she thinks of others.”
It was the longest she ever had her hair, she said.
“I liked having it long. I could play with it, make it into a long braid. It got really curly,” she said. “It was weird to get it cut. I was a little scared.?
But not enough to discourage her from making another donation, she said.
“I’ve already started,” she said. “I thought it was fun to do it the first time.”

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