Free Art Fridays in downtown Clarkston

A band of local artists has been responsible for the placement of art in downtown Clarkston recently.
They place small and large paintings, portraits, and other works of art in trees, planters, light poles, and anywhere else they can think of.
It’s part of Free Art Friday Clarkston, said Denyse Couture of Clarkston, organizer.
“The bottom line is creative altruism,” said Couture, who spent Black Friday with fellow artists decorating downtown Clarkston with free artwork.
The artwork is free for anyone to take and enjoy, she said.
“We’ve seen some people who are reluctant to take artwork,” she said at the Nov. 23 Free Art Friday. “I think people don’t know how to respond to just people doing things for free, for fun.”
“People sometimes say no, we don’t want it ’cause they think we’re selling something, but we’re not. We’re just giving art,” said artist Dana Driscoll
The artists have been doing this since July. They were inspired by UK artist My Dog Sighs who came up with the idea of giving away art to free artists from financial considerations and inspire the community.
Any medium is welcome, but the art must be respectful and cause no damage.
“Otherwise there are no rules,” Couture said.”I’ve run into some cool people doing off-the-grid things. We hope to inspire others to put things out there too.”
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