Trees to honor school trustees

Trees will be planted as a lasting tribute to the service of Kurt Shanks and Janet Thomas, whose final school board meeting was Monday.
The Clarkston Board of Education voted June 9 to plant a tree in a location chosen by each. With each tree will be a commemorative plaque noting their years of service.
Each received standing ovations from the audience after fellow trustees offered tributes.
Trustee Mary Ellen McLean smiled when she said Thomas ‘came from the other side? when he moved to Clarkston from Rochester. Noting his service since 1995, McLean said he had been board treasurer and a bond campaign chairman as well.
‘His integrity I don’t think anyone could question,? she said.
Shanks, who joked about losing control of the meeting agenda, offered thanks for the tributes and said, ‘It has been a pleasure.?
Board Vice President Karen Foyteck outlined the changes in both culture and schools since Thomas joined the school board in 1975. She called Thomas? service to the district ‘extraordinary? and credited her with ‘steadfast dedication to students.?
Shanks later said he has chosen Clarkston High School to be the location for his tree.
‘The high school has meant a lot to me,? he said, noting his work with the bond issue campaign that led to its construction. ‘It’s something I take pride in. It stands for what this district is all about.?
Shanks said one of his greatest satisfactions has been ‘working with a tremendous team of people.? On the other hand, he has asked colleagues to give him a full year off from any school volunteer work.
‘My wife and I are making a lot of plans,? he said.
Thomas doesn’t yet know where she will ask to have a tree planted.
‘I’m still thinking. All my kids went to Pine Knob, so that’s an option. Sashabaw Middle School, where all my kids went, will need some landscaping when they’re done [with renovations], so I just don’t know.?
Thomas? history with the district made it difficult to focus on only one memory, but she summed it up succinctly.
‘It’s been rewarding to be able to work with the staff and the community,? she said.

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