Local man charged in assualt on state senator

State Sen. Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) is smiling through the pain, saying he feels ‘shaken, not stirred? after being assaulted on Mackinac Island Saturday, May 31.
A man from the Clarkston area is accused of attacking Bishop, who represents the Clarkston area, but officials have not found any political motivation for the confrontation.
Aaron Todd Kirk, 28, will appear in 92nd District Court in St. Ignace June 17 on charges of aggravated assault, possession of Ecstasy and possession of marijuana, according to Mackinac Island Police Chief William Lenaghan.
Bishop is recuperating from a concussion, multiple contusions, a broken nose and broken teeth. He said he is handling his discomfort with over-the-counter medication, and is grateful for the words of concern and encouragement he has received.
‘Time will heal all wounds,? he said. ‘I’ll be just fine.?
Bishop said he was leaving a congressional reception when he attempted to get a ride back to the Grand Hotel via the island’s 20-passenger horsedrawn carriage. He heard someone inside saying he was going to another location. Although Bishop said he was willing to take the long ride, he didn’t get the chance.
Although a police department press release said, ‘A verbal argument escalated to a shoving match,? Bishop said he did not engage in an argument.
‘The guy came at me,? Bishop said. ‘I was absolutely caught off guard.?
It was a rainy evening, and Bishop said the assailant’s impact made him slip and fall, hitting his head on the pavement. He lost consciousness briefly, but he said witnesses (including at least one police officer) saw the continuing attack.
‘Everyone there saw what happened,? he said. ‘He was on top of me hitting me.?
Bishop received stitches and other treatment that night at Mackinac Medical Center, returned home the next day and went to Crittenton Hospital for more indepth examination.
‘I looked like a grape,? he said. ‘It was quite an ordeal.?
Although healing physically, Bishop said he has struggled with his feelings about the incident.
‘This is not something I’d ever imagine would be happening,? he said, especially noting the peaceful atmosphere on Mackinac Island. ‘You just don’t expect it.?
A former prosecuting attorney, Bishop has worked with victims of assault in the past. He has never had first-hand experience, however.
‘I’ve never felt insecure about walking around in this world. Now I have a sense of paranoia [and] I worry about my family. It’s a profoundly new perspective.?
Despite those feelings, Bishop said, ‘This was a random act? and should not reflect on the island’s reputation as a tourist destination. Indeed, he plans to return for another conference on Mackinac Island this fall. ‘I’m not going to let somebody push me around.?

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