Booster group plans bond info meeting

Betty Reilly believes in a simple philosophy.
‘The more information you have, the better decision you can make.?
That’s the goal of a parent information meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 29 in the Clarkston Middle School Media Center concerning June 9 school ballot proposals and state and federal education requirements.
Reilly is treasurer of the Academic Boosters of Clarkston, sponsor of the meeting. ABC is described as a parent advocate group that supports challenging education for all students. The group is an officials affiliate of Clarkston Community Schools, and it will the school administrators who will present most of the information at the information meeting.
?[The affiliate status] puts us in the position where we can work hand in hand with the school district,? Reilly said.
The agenda of the meeting will include:
? The federal ‘No Child Left Behind? program, which deals with school district accountability for student performance.
? The state ‘Education YES? program, which is tracking ‘Adequate Yearly Progress? on the Michigan Educational Assessment Program tests.
Both of the above have set a deadline of the 2013-2014 school year for all students to be successful on MEAP tests.
? The June 9 proposal to restore the full 18-mill ‘non-homestead? property tax for school operations.
? The June 9 proposal for a $83.7 million bond issue, to be used for building additions and renovations for the purpose of reconfiguration of grades and other moves to ease overcrowding and enhance education.
Reilly is concerned that many may not fully understand the impact of state and federal programs on local education, especially since the mandates are based on individual state standards.
‘Our state has much more challenging guidelines than most of the other states,? she said.
Even though the ‘non-homestead? tax will not affect primary residences, Reilly believes it is an issue for everyone to em community.
‘It affects all people in the Clarkston school district,? she said. ‘If we get downgraded or something, it affects our property values.?
For more information on the April 29 meeting, call Reilly at (248) 922-9134.

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