Students learn about people, places during trip to England

Clarkston-area students Ashlee Hauxwell, Cooper Parks, and Ty Sajan got a hands-on history lesson this summer, touring England and Scotland through People to People.
‘Going on the trip sounded like fun,? Sajan said.
‘I thought it was cool,? said Parks, 12, Sashabaw Middle School student. ‘I’ve never been out of the country before.?
‘It was a cool experience,? said Hauxwell, 11, Brandon Fletcher Intermediate student. ‘We got to experience other cultures.?
The group visited schools and places of interest throughout Great Britain, including Nottingham and Chislehurst Caves south of London, which they spent a day exploring.
‘It used to be a mine,? Sajan said.
‘The Romans built them originally,? Parks said. ‘They were used as a bomb shelter in World War II.?
In Scotland, the trip included a visit to William Wallace’s monument and tours of the countryside.
‘Scotland was beautiful ? the landscapes, lots of creeks, flowers, trees,? Parks said.
They left June 25 for the 20-day trip.
To be selected, they were nominated by a teacher, completed an application with essay, interviewed with a selection panel, asked for recommendations from school and community, and organized fundraisers throughout the year.
‘I think it’s great,? said Becky Hauxwell, Ashlee’s mother. ‘They learn how people interact in different cultures.?
‘I’d like to go ? it sounds completely fun,? said Sabrina Parks, 10, Cooper’s sister. ‘I’d like to go to Italy. I’m half Italian.?
The three students plan to keep in touch with friends on the trip and in Great Britain.
‘A lot of the school kids gave us their e-mail addresses,? Cooper said.
‘They were very friendly. There would be 40 of us, and they would swarm around us and ask us questions. They loved our accents, for some strange reason.?

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