Springfield Garden Club ready for spring

With spring planting just around the corner, Springfield Garden Club members are dusting off their gardening knowledge and seed packets.
The club maintains barrel planters in downtown Davisburg with seasonal flowers and plants.
“People just love it,” said Karen Price, club president. “They take pride in them. They add their own things.”
They are also set to host Daffodils and Duds style show and luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 7, at Genesys Banquet Center.
“We’ll have a variety of outfits modelled by club members,” Price said. “It’s fun, something women enjoy.”
Proceeds from the show will fund scholarships, said Mary Bertolini, club founder.
“Since 1914, $1 million in scholarships has been collected by little groups like this, through bake sales and style shows,” she said.
Bertolini founded the Davisburg chapter of the Women’s National Farm and Garden Club in 1999 with five members. It now has 20 members.
“There was no club in the area,” Bertolini said.
“We get together and learn, and enjoy each other,” said Price, who joined when she moved to Davisburg with her family six years ago.
“I was looking for friends and something to do during the day,” she said. “This was a perfect entry into the community.”
The club meets weekly with local experts, and hosts workshops,craft projects, potluck meals, seasonal parties, and trips locally and abroad.
“Once a year, we have a meeting about an herb ? we study one herb and all the dishes have to have it,” Price said. “Last year’s was cinnamon.”
They organize an international trip every three years, to places such as Finland, Tazmania, Canada, and China.
“We have a conference to explore women’s issues,” Price said.
The club is open to new members.
“We like gardening,” Bertolini said. “It’s an excellent way for women who are newly retired, empty nesters, or new to town to meet people of like mind who share similar interests.”
Tickets to Daffodils and Duds, featuring Kim Rose Fashions, centerpieces by Cherie Korkus, silent auction, and door prizes, are $25. Menu includes parmesan chicken, roasted redskin potatoes, sauteed green beans, and salad.
Genesys is located at 805 Health Park Blvd., Grand Blanc, off I-75 at exit 108.
For more information, call Donna McDonald at 248-891-0900 or Lynda Carto, 810-695-3793.

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