Couple holds out hope for lost dog

When Robert and Susanne Krouse called for help to rescue their companion from an icy pond, firefighters, police officers, and divers converged on the scene.
They tried their hardest, even though the victim is a dog.
‘I would never have expected to receive this kind of service from these people,? said Robert.
‘I know Benny was ‘just a dog?, but he was our dog and as such, he was family’and the folks who came and searched made it clear through their actions and words that they understood that’and for that, I will always be grateful.?
Robert was walking his dog, a 4-year-old beagle, near the pond in the woods next to I-75 and Allen Road, March 31.
‘I always let him run loose because he simply lived to sniff out and chase rabbits,? he said. ‘I am still not sure what happened, but just behind me I heard a loud splash and I looked around quickly. There was no sign of Benny, but some ice just off shore had been broken.?
Robert jumped into the pond and looked for his dog. Unsuccessful, he called Susanne, who called the Osborns, their neighbors, Independence Township Fire Department, and Oakland County Sheriff’s Department.
‘They were very compassionate, very professional,? Susanne said.
Firefighters went into the water with tethers and poles to continue the search. An Oakland County diver was called, and he used a tether to search under the ice.
‘It had not occurred to me until then that this man was actually endangering his own life to try to locate our dog,? Robert said.
‘I watched the tether line stretch well under the ice shelf numerous times and each time it was retracted, I held my breath as the diver’s hand would grip the ice shelf so he could pull himself to the surface. I waited to see Benny tucked under his other arm, but it never happened.?
They searched until about 7 p.m., about three hours after Benny disappeared.
Robert and Suzanne printed ‘lost dog? flyers the next day at American Speedy Printing in Clarkston.
‘We were told the price per flyer and I added quickly in my head. When the saleswoman presented the total, it was half that amount ? they just wanted to help, she told us,? Robert said. ‘After we left, my wife discovered they had provided several extra copies as well.?
A week later, Robert and Susanne continue to search the woods around the pond.
‘The diver told me he should have been able to find Benny ? he should not have drifted far,? Robert said. ‘Because of that, we are still holding out hope that he may somehow have escaped from the pond while I was going in and been so spooked that he ran off.?
The pond is not very large and doesn’t seem to have a current, he said.
‘It’s highly unusual that they wouldn’t find Benny,? Susanne said. ‘So we have some hope.?
If anyone has seen Benny or knows where he might be, please call the Krouses at 248 625 2588.

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