Dome marks 100 days of school

Most kids celebrate the last day of school, with a big hurrah and possibly a pool party.
But not the students in Tammy Dasbach’s second grade class at Daniel Axford Elementary.
To commemorate their 100th day of school last Monday, Dasbach’s 25 students used 100 sheets of newspaper to create a three-dimensional geodesic dome.
Due to the many snow days the school has had t his winter, the 100th day of school fell at a later date than usual.
Dasbach said she got the craft idea from a magazine she read a while back.
To create the dome, the students overlapped four pieces of the newsprint and rolled them on an angle. Then, they were attached in a triangular form and then stapled into the dome shape.
It took the class less than a half-hour to create.
‘It’s just a traditional thing I’ve done every year for the past 10 years,? the teacher said.
When the dome is finished, Dasbach raffles it off to a student. The lucky recipient of this year’s dome went to Dylan Derringer.

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