Budget on the block

School-board trustees need to reduce spending by about $2 million this year.
How to do that will be the topic at Monday’s Clarkston Board of Education meeting. The public is invited to attend.
‘We’re squeezing the budget really tight to save that $2 million,? said Bruce Beamer, executive director of business services.
‘I don’t know any easy way to do it.?
Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s 2009 budget recommends increasing funds for public, K-12 schools by $108-$216 per student, or a minimum of $7,420 per student. Clarkston received $7,332 per student last year.
School board Vice President Barry Bomier believes the district should base the budget on student enrollment and class size staying at current levels, using the lower end of the state proposal.
‘We cannot be lulled by state promises and stay focused on a $100 increase,? Bomier said.
Enrollment is not expected to change significantly based on last week’s student count, said Anita Banach, director of communications and marketing.
At the end of 2007, the district had $7.7 million in fund equity, said Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts.
‘We’re a very prudent school district ? that’s why we’re not in the desperate shape other districts are in,? Roberts said. ‘The numbers will change. Hopefully, some will change for the better.?
The meeting is set for 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 25, administration building boardroom, 6389 Clarkston Road. For more information, call 248-623-5400.

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