Martian icers top Lake Fenton

Goodrich left Lake Fenton frozen on the ice Jan 12 winning the game 7-2. During the first period, the Goodrich Martians racked up four points, doubling Lake Fenton’s two. Trevor Troupe had the first goal of the night assisted by Jake Brejnak and Mitchell Syrowik. Sam Brauer had the second goal for Goodrich, assisted by Troupe. Then it was Kyle Arwood that put the Martians up to three goals assited by Syrowik and Joe Zito. The last goal of the first period was also scored by Zito and assisted by Brejnak.
In the second period both Goodrich and Lake Fenton had goals, but it was Lake Fenton’s last, and the rest of Goodrich’s goals were left unanswered. Zito had the only goal for the second period assisted by Mitchell Syrowik and Sean Rollins.
In the third period Goodrich had two more goals, the first made by Seas Rollins who was assisted by Brauer and Arwood. The second goal of the third period was made by Michell Syrowik who was unassitied. Michael Underwood made 12 saves for Goodrich.
The Martians will play at 7 p.m. on Jan. 23 at Hemlock High School.

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