Trimesters on track

Clarkston Community Schools are on track for the trimester switch next year.
A Trimester Implementation Team of 12 parents, teachers and administrators drafted an month-by-month plan to switch the high school from two semesters to three trimesters per year.
“That is the task in front of us,” reported high school Principal Vince Licata to the Board of Education Monday.
“We’ve been working very hard this year,” said Shawn Ryan, principal of Clarkston Junior High. “We have a good grasp on what’s ahead.”
Tasks include revising the school day from six class periods to five, figuring out teacher schedules, blocking classes together, teacher training, administration software updates.
This month’s tasks are to write mock calendar, mock time schedule, begin working on remapping courses, and staff development on instructional techniques.
“We’ll have it pretty well buttoned down by April,” Licata said.
Parents and students should expect new curriculum and schedule information by January, directly and through the district’s website,
Communication should begin as early as possible, said school board Trustee Karen Foyteck.
“This is a very ambitious schedule,” Foyteck said. “”We’re going to have very anxious parents and students about scheduling, how it will work.”
Most major decisions should be made by December, after which parents will quickly be informed, Licata said.
“This is a big change ? I appreciate your efforts,” said board President Stephen Hyer.
The trimester system will help students achieve new, stricter state graduation requirements, officials said.
Students will have 15 classes per year, up from 12, to take more core classes while still having opportunities to take electives. Also, students who have trouble with a class would have more chances to retake it.

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