Marching to their own beat

The Clarkston High School Marching Band takes the field this year to the music of Russian ballet.
‘I love it ? it’s a great show,? said Amy Arpke, drum major along with Nick Johnson and Celeste Evans. ‘It’s really upbeat and fun, a good contrast between harsh and flowing.?
Music for the 7-8 minute competition is from two classic Russian composers, Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and Stravinsky’s Firebird.
‘It’s like a fight between the two,? said Mike Lewis, band director for the past four years. ‘It works well for the kids we have right now ? I’m really pleased with the group so far.?
‘I enjoy it ? the new melodic lines for the mellophones this year,? said mellophone player Jon Marawski, senior. ‘It’s a pretty good show.?
The show features a full percussion line on the field and in ‘the pit,? said senior Josh Albee, playing the quints, a mobile set of five drums.
‘We have some good freshmen coming in,? Albee said.
The 160 band members include ninth-graders, students at Clarkston Junior High School since the realignment a few years ago.
‘It’s super cool ? we’re like a family,? said freshman Jackie Gipe, trombone.
‘You can be yourself around everyone here,? said Jenny Zawadzki, also a freshman trombone.
‘I’ve met a lot of nice people,? said Keera Allen, sophomore, her first year with the marching band.
‘It keeps getting better every year,? said Justin Harris, assistant director along with Shelley Roland.
Harris, a 1997 Clarkston High School graduate, played trombone in the marching band.
‘It’s a great band ? every bit as good as when I was here,? he said.
‘This year is really exciting,? Arpke said. ‘We’ve come so far in such as short time.?
The band’s first competition of the year, Novi Invitational, was set for Sept. 15. The Clarkston Invitational will be Oct. 20, and state finals at Ford Field is Nov. 3.

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