Don’t worry

Springfield Township residents concerned about rezoning of their property have nothing to worry about, officials say.
‘It’s more a reflection of what’s already there,? said township Supervisor Collin Walls.
The township Planning Commission is holding a public hearing Aug. 2 to discuss rezoning property in the northwest quadrant of I-75 and Dixie Highway. The property would be rezoned from One Family Residential to Resource Conservation, a new zoning also up for public hearing.
Resource Conservation zoning would limit use to single-family houses, agriculture, or natural uses such as trails, botanical gardens, and woodland preserves. It would also set regulations limiting size, density, and location of houses and other buildings.
The properties, along Bridge Lake, Lakebluff, Lakeshore, Old Pond, and surrounding roads, contain several lakes, ponds, and wetlands. This places it under wetland and other environmental regulations, as well as township open-space rules. The rezoning would clarify the situation, Walls said.
‘It will make it more closely fit its current use,? he said. ‘It would give the public in general a clearer picture of what has been planned for that land.?
The planning commission has been working on the new zones for about a year, he said.
The meeting is set for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 2, at Springfield Township Civic Center, 12000 Davisburg Road. Documents about the proposed rezonings are available at the civic center. Call 248-846-6510.

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