Global warnings valid, just hot air?

Throughout history, some have come forward to ring the bells of alarm, while others come forward to say all is well.
Global warming is the latest in a line including terrorism, population explosion, coming ice age, nuclear war, spread of communism, Hitler, witchcraft, divine retribution, plagues, Biblical flood, etc.
Some warnings turned out to be correct, others, not. Where does global warming fit in?
Hundreds of scientists have gotten together and agreed that it’s happening, and that people in general, Americans in particular, are responsible.
Should I believe them?
I have, before. I went to college in the early 1990s. Then, the big cause of global warming was supposed to be CFCs, from hairspray and other aerosols.
Carbon flourocarbons were floating into the upper atmosphere, tearing apart ozone molecules, destroying the ozone layer, and letting in more ultraviolet radiation, heating the earth. CFCs were banned years ago. Shouldn’t that have had at least some effect, as in ‘banning those CFCs really helped, but we’re still in trouble,? or something?
Now, the problem is CO2, the gas we exhale with every breath. They want to reclassify carbon dioxide as a pollutant.
Too many leaders of the global-warming movement live in mansions and fly around on private jets. This makes as much sense as conservative leaders who preach family values while using drugs or sleeping around.
Rich liberals have been buying ‘offset credits,? which are supposed to compensate for their output of carbon by paying someone else to conserve, or plant trees, or not build an energy plant.
If they really believed energy use threatens the planet, wouldn’t they pay for all those things, then eliminate their output as well? I would take them more seriously if they did.
Conservation is and has been a great idea. It saves money. Saves the natural environment. It could also help out states like Michigan.
The Clarkston area has so many lakes, ponds, and streams, you can’t take two steps without stepping into one.
But people have been leaving places like this to go to the southwest, where there is much less water. The transplanted easterners still want lush, green lawns, though, and they use a lot of their scarce water to get them.
They should just come home. We have water here, and trees, too.
Another April, another horrifying, mass shooting. This is a trend that needs to end.
Parents should consider taking their children to a local gun range. Not to shoot, but just to listen. Listen to rifles and pistols, from the parking lot at an outdoor range, from the lobby of an indoor one.
Then tell them, ‘this is what guns sound like. They sound like firecrackers and construction equipment, but notice how they’re different.?
Too many kids in these situations are standing around trying to figure out what that strange sound is, when they should running.

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