Contract back to the drawing board

The Independence Township Board voted down the township union employee contract in closed session Dec. 5, after approving a deficit budget.
One of the main issues with township officials is the contract’s pay increases for the union members, represented by American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.
‘With the economic state we’re in now, 4 percent seems a little high,? said Mike Turk, director of the township Parks and Recreation Department.
Because of the failure of the Senior Center Bond and Millage this past November, Parks and Recreation is facing up to $400,000 in cuts this year. In Independence Township, the senior center is funded through Parks and Recreation.
Also, the contract presented to the township board during closed session Dec. 5 seems to benefit the Department of Public Works at the expense of Parks and Recreation.
The contract includes extra pay for commercial drivers licenses and an extra DPW position, both of which favor the DPW, said Roger Belcher, park superintendent.
‘The whole thing is ridiculous,? Belcher said. ‘I think everyone should pitch in ? we all pay the same union dues.?
Belcher was one of 12 union members to vote against the contract at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees meeting.
Township and union officials will meet before the end of the year to work out a revised contract, said township Supervisor David Wagner.
‘We’re back in negotiations,? Wagner said. ‘We’ll bring it back as quickly as possible in January.?

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