Kelly to run for county commission in August

After five and a half years as an Independence Township Trustee, Dan Kelly announced his candidacy for the 4th District seat of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
‘This is something I’ve been thinking about for about six months,? said Kelly. ‘I talked with my wife a lot about it, and within the last six weeks decided to go for it.?
According to a statement released on April 21, Kelly has served on various boards and committees in Independence Township: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Joint Senior Citizen/Parks and Recreation Subcommittee, Sashabaw Corridor Overlay District, representative on the Planning Commission and township representative to union negotiations.
He has also been the township board’s representative on four Lake Improvement Boards: Lake Oakland, Van Norman, Mill Pond and Walters Lake.
‘I believe the government should be run by citizens, not full-time politicians,? said Kelly in the April 21 release. ‘Particularly at the county and local levels, we should be electing officials who are focused on public service and are out there with us, dealing with the day-to-day pressures of our jobs, families and our social lives.
‘Despite term limits, we have fallen in a rut of musical chairs where we are simply re-electing full-time politicians to different government positions.?
Kelly said in a later interview he believes he can bring a fresh perspective to the county commission. He pointed to the fact the he is not a 20 or 30-year career politician and that he will continue his employment with the Troy-based law firm Cox, Hodgman & Giarmarco, P.C. where he is a lawyer and member of the board.
‘We should open up this process to more people so that those who don’t hold a flexible job can have the opportunity to participate,? said Kelly. ‘The turnover is just not happening.?
Kelly said he would like to see more joint projects directed to the county level, which controls an approximate $1 billion budget, versus the township.
‘Some county commissioners have worked on creative ideas to help local municipalities with economical and beneficial projects, such as joint senior centers and roadway corridors. Unfortunately, at the township level, I have seen little or no help,? said Kelly in his release.
‘I support the senior center in Independence, but I’m dismayed that the entire cost must be borne by the township residents.?
Another project Kelly would like to see addressed is improvements along Dixie Highway, which he sees deteriorating in many areas.
‘Because Dixie runs through the middles of the 4th District and extends over the Independence and Waterford Township boundary line, it is perfect for county involvement and a joint township program, yet no one at the county level is even talking about it.?
As for experience, Kelly said he is comfortable dealing with larger, county-wide issues. As a trial lawyer, he has experience with many of the county’s legal and law enforcement programs. Since a large portion of the legal cases handled by his employer involve representing schools or municipalities, he is fully aware of the many issues surrounding those entities.
‘I also took a fellowship at Michigan State University to learn more about government and representation,? said Kelly. ‘All of the county topics are common sense issues. You don’t need 30 years in politics to decide government issues.?
Kelly lives in Independence Township with his wife Kathleen and their four children ? Caitlin, 14; Meaghan, 11; Caroline, 10 and Bredan, 6.
The 4th District seat represents most of Independence Township, the City of Clarkston and a portion of Waterford Township. The seat is currently held by Tom Middleton, who can run for re-election.

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