Revenge served cold to Troy by surging Wolves

Feelings of deja vu echoed through the Detroit Skate Club on Jan. 28 as Clarkston senior Kyle Chartrand won a face off in the Troy zone and lifted a shot into the net after receiving the puck back from junior Ryan Kenerson to give the Wolves a 1-0 lead just one minute into the game. In the Wolves and Blackhawks? first meeting Chartrand scored :55 into the game on a nearly identical play. While the differences between the two games were minute at the onset, they were stark in the end. Clarkston lost 3-1 on Dec. 10, but proved victorious 4-0 in the rematch.
‘It was the same type of play, right into the top corner of our net,? Troy Coach Tim McCarthy said of the goal.
While the start of the two games mirrored one another, Clarkston made sure the outcome was different with three third period goals
‘This is a huge win for us. Most of the big games this year we’ve played in we haven’t shown up or we’ve got blown out in. Tonight we came out and played as a team. It was a great all around effort. When the defense let down the forwards were there. When the forwards let down the defense was there. And at times I was there to take care of the rest,? Clarkston goaltender Adam Richards said.
Cummings added the first of the Wolves insurance goals :55 into the third period with Bradond Gibson providing the assist. Cummings struck again, this time assisted by Mike Medonis with 9:05 left in the game. Kenerson finished the scoring with 6:59 left to play, with Chartrand assisting on the goal.
With the win over Troy, the Wolves propelled themselves back into the thick of the race for the OAA DI crown.
‘The league has been kind of a mess all season but tonight was basically either put ourselves in first place or be content with a tie for first place and we needed the win. And it was nice to come back after the loss that we played in Troy. The fan support was awesome,? Clarkston senior Kyle Cummings said.
The Wolves sit atop the league standing currently with 8-3-1 mark. Stoney Creek, who split with Clarkston this season and is new to DI, is in second with a 7-3-0 record. Troy (6-3-1) and Farmington (5-3-1) follow in the standings.
‘It’s a slugfest, it’s a horserace, whatever cliche or metaphor you want to use,? McCarthy said. ‘It’s a good league, it’s always good. This team (Clarkston) is always real good. We measure ourselves against them a little bit.?
Still in the hunt for the league crown as well is Royal Oak, despite their 2-0 loss to Clarkston at the DSC on Jan. 26. Royal Oak has a 4-3-1 record in the league. Chartrand scored both goals against Royal Oak assisted both times by Medonis.
‘There’s like four or five teams vying for first place. We can’t afford to lose anymore games, that’s our focus, not to lose anymore,? Krygier said.
Focus has been the name of the game for Clarkston as the Wolves made good use of an extended layoff in between their victory over Royal Oak on Jan. 26 and a 4-3 loss to Farmington on Jan. 14.
‘We went through each zone and we empasized things over and over. It wasn’t a hard week it was more of a educational week for them to bring them together get them prepared mentally and try to do things properly out there. I think the last two games it’s paid off,? Clarkston Coach Bryan Krygier said.
Krygier hopes his team continues to click as the week ahead is fraught with tough non-league matchups. On Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. Clarkston entertains Grosse Pointe North at home. Next the No.2 team in Division I, Orchard Lake St. Mary’s comes calling to the Detroit Skate Center on Feb. 4 at 6 p.m.

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