Generosity shines for local girl

The people of the Clarkston area made Santa real for an Independence Township girl this past Christmas.
Readers responded in a big way to the article ‘Mother needs Christmas help,? Dec. 20 edition. One young family brought in a sparkling new bicycle, while others brought in a PSP portable game unit, books, gift certificates, food, and other presents.
‘I was totally in shock ? we are so grateful,? said Shirley Hagerman of the community’s generosity towards her daughter, Savannah, 10.
‘It was really wonderful ? I’m thrilled to death,? Shirley said. ‘I didn’t expect really anything. I just wanted to keep her faith going.?
‘It was great,? Savannah said.
Shirley, who recently had back surgery and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, asked for help so that her daughter could receive a present from her wish list to Santa. What she received was almost all of them, plus a visit from Santa himself.
A longtime local Santa Claus, who asked that his name not be revealed, put on his red suit and delivered the gifts Sunday night, Christmas Eve.
‘That’s what Christmas is all about, giving,? he said. ‘It made her day, and it made my day too ? it was the best Christmas present Santa could have had.?
When he arrived at about 10:30 p.m., Savannah was sitting in the living room. She had set out cookies and a Coke ? they were out of milk ? for his impending visit.
‘Savannah hid her face in the couch ? she was scared,? Shirley said. ‘We finally convinced her to turn around, and she gave him a hug. She said ‘There is a Santa.??
Local churches and charities such as Lighthouse were also busy during the holiday season.
Lighthouse North, 6330 Sashabaw Road, provided Christmas food and gifts to thousands of people. Over the year, the non-profit agency for low-income families and seniors provides help to many more. In 2005, it provided emergency food to 21,951 people.
In all, Lighthouse provided more than 72,811 services by volunteers and staff to low and limited income seniors and families, near-homeless families, infants, children, and youth in the Oakland County community.
For information or to make a donation, go to or call 248-920-6060.

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