Senior Center, day camp paused by storm

Activiites at the Independence Township Senior Center and Parks and Recreation’s day camp were disrupted on July 8 around 3:30 p.m. when a bolt of lightning struck a transformer at Clintonwood Park.
Smoke from the transformer wafting into nearby buildings caused 15 people to be evacuated from the Senior Center and between 60-80 children from the camp building.
‘It seemed like a brownout at first. But we kept hearing this humming and then we looked outside and saw the transformer,? said Margaret Bartos, coordinator for the Senior Center.
‘The staff heard the pop (of the lightning hitting the transformer) and immediately called 911 and got everyone out of the building,? said Kelly Hyer, recreation coordinator for Independence Township Parks and Recreation.
The Independence Township Fire Department responded to the strike and checked both buildings. There was no major damage, structurally or electrically in either.
According to Hyer, more than half the day camp attendees were on their way home as the lightning strike occurred at the end of the camp day. The power was off in the camp building until July 9.
The Senior Center was without water and power until July 13. All of the center’s activities were suspended with the exception of the Meals on Wheels program.
In the wake of the lightning strike, the only lingering trouble is the question of whether or not the senior center is adequately prepared for a fire.
?(The recent evacuation) points out we need to have repeated fire drills,? said Bartos. ‘Once or twice a year is not going to cut it.?

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