A grand parade

Preparations for the annual Clarkston Fourth of July parade are being made. This year’s parade has the theme of ‘Grand Ole Flag.?
On-call sergeant fire fighter Rick Hardy, who helps organize the event, said he expects over 100 entries this year. People can still enter by stopping at the fire station 1 at 6500 Citation Drive to pick up a registration form or by visiting www.independencefire.us/parade.
There will be cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and Hardy said there will be no cost to enter.
The parade starts at St. Daniel Catholic Church at 10 a.m. and runs through parts of Miller, Main and Church streets, ending at Renaissance High School. People can lineup at any time.
Hardy said his favorite part of the parade is the initial kickoff with the colorguard and the fly over. He also said he enjoys seeing the smile on people’s faces, which is one of the reasons he has helped out with the parade for years.
‘It’s one of those things the fire department has been responsible for putting on for a while,? Hardy said. ‘It’s the one big thing we do and a lot of guys get a charge out of it.?

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