CHS drama club to float ‘The Yellow Boat?

On May 6 and 7, the Clarkston High School Drama Club will present ‘The Yellow Boat,? a play by David Saar inspired by the memory of his son Benjamin Saar.
We are happy that we can honor Benjamin Saar’s memory,? said Joelle Workman, assistant director for the production. ?(This play) is more of a celebration of Benjamin Saar’s life.?
Saar was born with congenital hemophilia and died of AIDS related complications in 1987. He contracted the deadly immune deficiency disorder through one of the many blood transfusions he underwent during his life.
‘This production is a lot more modern than anything we’ve done at Clarkston before,? said Workman.
Kristen Ingerham, the director the production, stated that the company was both ‘excited? and ‘hesitant? about undertaking the responsibility of telling Benjamin’s story. Over the past few weeks, both Ingerham and Workman have seen the cast make the play their own.
?(The students) have grown so much as actors and as people. From the very first day they have really come together as a cast,? said Workman.
Those who attend ‘The Yellow Boat? should expect to see a highly visual and stimulating experience. The story is not conveyed through spoken word alone, rather the production makes extensive use of the visual side of the performing arts in both set design, costumes and blocking.The production strives to convey the creativity indicative of Benjamin Saar’s real life visual artistry, which was highly expressive even as he was so young.
Below are the people making ‘The Yellow Boat? possible.
Cast: Benjamin, Jeff Chaney; Mother, Ashley Dasuqi; Father, Matt Bleau; Joy, Amanda Krajenke; Eddy, Joe Chaney; Rainbow Chorus, Kayleigh Carney, Kevin Harris, Alyssa Trawick and Stephen Trawick; Black and White Chorus, Megan Gapczynski, Katie Jullian, Charlie O’Donnell and Paige Sullivan.
Technical and Design staff: Properties, Cheryl Fick; Lights, Terri Rozwadowski; Sound, James Batchik; Programs, Amanda Krajenke; Logo Design, Ashley Dusaqi; Stage Managers, Joelle Workman and Braley Bullard; Crew: Ryan Smith, Lisa Wheeler, Matt John VanderKolk, Bryan Sharkey, Chad Wandrie and Amada Grix
Direction: Director, Kristen Ingerham; Technical Director, Amy Seaman; Assistant Director/Dramaturg, Joelle Workman; Acting Coach/Professional Consultant, Katy Jacobs; Assistant Acting Coach, Jordan Hefty

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