City officials hint of search for new planning firm

Debate about a revised master plan for the City of the Village of Clarkston appears to be delayed, as officials are grappling with whether to replace the current contracted planning firm.
The Clarkston City Council on April 13 heard a report of an April 4 public hearing conducted by the city planning commission on the master plan question.
Official minutes said, ‘The planning commission agreed to review responses from McKenna and other potential planners in order to clarify the planner situation before proceeding with further review of the master plan.?
‘McKenna? is the firm of McKenna and Associates, currently under contract as the city’s planning consultant. The firm has offered a quote of $15,000 for a thorough review of the city’s master plan, which is used to guide officials in maintaining the city zoning ordinance and requests for rezoning of property.
The unofficial minutes note that most of those present called for only minor (if any) adjustments to the current master plan.
City Council Member David Savage was pleased to hear of the planning commission’s decision, but said some people misunderstand his push for a new planning consultant.
‘It’s because of past performance, [not the $15,000 quote],? Savage said at the April 13 council meeting. ‘This particular planner has fallen short of our expectations in the past. I think we would benefit with a more sensitive planner, someone more sensitive to a small historic district like we have in Clarkston.?
Noting the current absence of any money in the city budget for a master plan review, Savage said, ‘I would have a hard time if we start spending more money with a planner we’re not happy with, even if it’s $500.?
City Manager Art Pappas said he has some ideas for potential planning firms, and agreed to review other proposals as well.
The planning commission has agreed to continue their evaluation, but no particular deadline has been set for a decision.

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