Beaumont buys local property

Beaumont Hospitals is currently completing the acquisition of a final parcel to complete a 48-acre plot in Independence Township.
According to Ilene Wolff, spokeswoman with Beaumont, as of last week, the hospital was still waiting to close on the property.
‘We want to build a medical facility in that area,? confirmed Wolff. ‘We did a survey and found that half the residents there have a preference for Beaumont services. In fact, we found that many travel right now for our services.?
The 48-acre parcel of land is located north of Clarkston on M-15 just over the I-75 bridge. The property is bordered by M-15, I-75 and a small portion of Cranberry Lake Road.
Township officials were unable to be specific about the zoning in that area; however, the building department could confirm that a 23-acre parcel is zoned OS2 (office service two, which allows for medical offices), while a large majority of the surrounding zoning is residential.
‘They will probably have to come forward and request some form of rezoning,? said Township Supervisor Dave Wagner. ‘I expect to hear something from them in about a month.?
Wagner added that the township has not received any formal proposals at this time.
According to Wolff, Beaumont Hospitals has several options for development on the property. She stated ideas have been put forward for doctor’s offices, an ambulatory care center (for services such as CAT scans, radiology or physical and occupational therapy), and even a nursing home or senior housing. She confirmed nothing specific has been discussed and any combination of these ideas is possible.
‘We are quite early on at this point,? stated Wolff. ‘We plan to complete feasibility studies over the next several months and then move forward at that time.?
All final decisions must be voted on by Beaumont’s Board of Directors before anything can be added to the system that already has hospitals in Troy and Royal Oak.

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